mary jenkins ئاپەکان

Hair Bows Craft 1.0
mary jenkins
Hair Bows is a timeless craft that hasstoodthe test of time, making your own hair bows with a satinribbon canbe a lot of fun, and a great way to try your hand atmixing craftmediums. You can use ribbons of any size and width forthisproject, and you will need some craft glue and plain barrettes.Youcan tie medium and large ribbons into bows before affixing themtothe barrettes, for the standard hair bow. You can also dressthemup with charms, wooden beads, crystals and rhinestones forextrabling. Another fun style is to crochet the ribbons as youwouldyarn, and drape several chains of different colors for astylishstatement.Do you still like to tie your hair up with cute hair bows,butwith the recent change in the economy you are finding it hardtowant to spend any money on them. Why not make them yourself.Thereare thousands of free hair bow patterns 5 all over theinternet. Itjust takes a little time to find them.Little Girls hair bows are a great way to accessorize theperfectoutfit! These days, you can find so many pretty ribbonprints andpolka dots, that finding the perfect bow for a specialoutfit is abreeze. Now that hair bow instructions are readilyavailable on theinternet, this goal is easily attainable!You may be wondering how do I start making my own hair bows?Thefirst step is to locate your supplies. You're going to need afewbasics to begin- ribbon, hair clips, and a glue gun andgluesticks. Head out to your local hobby, craft, or sewing storewhereyou should be able to locate everything on this list.After you've gathered all of your supplies, you're almost readytobegin making your own hair bows at home! Now, all you'll needaresome well written hair bow instructions to help you learntheproper technique, and teach you a variety of different styles!Theinternet is the perfect place to find hair bow instructions!So what are you waiting? Our app is amazing app to findmanyideas of Hair bows can be made of so many different materialsit isamazing. You can let your imagination run while. What ever youdo,make sure you don't overwhelm yourself down load one ortwopatterns to begin with then, go from there. Please download ourappto complete your inspiration!
Decoupage Design Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
The word découpage comes from the Frenchverbdécouper, 'to cut out'. The découpage technique can be usedtopersonalise almost any item in your home and the great thingisthat the designs can be as simple or as complex as you like.Putsimply, découpage involves cutting out pictures, gluing them toanobject and then coating the pictures and the object with layersofvarnish. The finished item can look so beautiful that it appearstobe professionally painted!Decoupage: the basic technique1. Prepare surface - once you have selected your item todecorate,make sure the surface of it is clean and dust free as thevarnishmagnifies any imperfections.2. Cut out pictures - select your pictures and cut them out. Itmaybe easier to cut out the pictures roughly with scissors firstandthen cut them out more precisely with a craft knife. If awhiteedge shows around the picture you have cut out, colour theedgewith a crayon/pen that matches either the picture or thebackgroundon which it is to be used.3. Arrange the pictures - before you glue the pictures inplace,ensure you are happy with the positioning. Use tweezers forplacingtiny pictures.4. Glue the pictures in place - smooth out any wrinkles andwipeaway any excess glue with a barely damp sponge.Most flat materials can work for decoupage. Consider thesesources:wrapping paper, tissue paper, scrapbooking paper, seedpackets,menus, ticket stubs, napkins, wallpaper, old book pages,magazines,pressed flowers, ribbon, photographs, greeting cards,fabric,stickers, posters, calendars, maps, doilies and more.Not only will you learn key steps for finding time, you'llalsolearn how to organize your craft supplies and stay organizedevenif you are a pack rat, how to craft on a budget, ways to findnewcraft project ideas and inspiration, and resources and ideasforlearning new crafts.Decoupage is an old and venerable art form, and you can seeexamplesin many dating back many hundreds of years. It wasextremely popularin the eighteenth century, and became popularagain during the lateVictorian era. Today, decoupage is rinsing inpopularity, and newtechnology and easy access to computers meansthat it's easier thanever to create new images.You can find a large adorable selection of ideas specificallyfordecoupage in this app, but the nice thing about this craft isthatyou probably have many of the supplies lying around at home tobeable to start simple projects right now! Download thisapplicationand find many ideas of decoupage collection!
Green House Design 1.0
mary jenkins
There are a number of greenhouse designstoconsider with regards to your needs and characteristics ofyourbackyard. Some of these designs are relatively simple toconstructwhile others are more complex. Some designs will be bettersuitedfor properties with limited space available. Other designswill fitin well if they are constructed on larger propertieswithestablished gardens. Let us consider some of these designs.1. Lean-To Style Greenhouse - This greenhouse design isideallysuited for those whose live on properties with smallbackyards orno backyards at all. The structure is relatively simpleto build.It generally resemble an a-frame building cut in half fromthe topof its roof to the ground below. As the name suggests itwill leanup against the side of your home with access generallyachievedthrough your patio door. the optimal location should be onthe sideof the home with receives the most sunlight. This type ofstructureis simple in design but will require some insight of howto fastenit securely to the side of a building such as your home,garage orshed.2. A-Frame Greenhouse - As the name suggests this type ofstructureconsists of a pitched roof with each side generally of thesamepitch and length. This design will require room in yourbackyard toaccommodate its footprint. One strong point of thisstructure isthat need not be located on the side of your home whichreceive themost amount of sunlight. This structure can be locatedin an areaof your backyard near the limits of the property boundaryand whereit will not be affected by any shadows being cast by yourhouse.This greenhouse design is relatively simple to construct andcan bebuilt-in a yard with an established garden.3. Hoop Greenhouse Design - This type of greenhouse is onemyfavorites to construct. It is simple in design but will requireabackyard large enough to accommodate its foot print. Itsshaperesembles an elongated cylinder, horizontally cut in half.Thisstructure is much easier to build, as it does not require apitchedroof. It can easily be built with PVC piping fashioned intohoops.The structure can be covered with any type of transparentcoveringsuch as UV protected polyethylene plastic. As with any ofthesedesigns you will able grow plants that will endure before orafterthe typical growing season. Its design also makes it morewindresistant then an A-frame or Victoria style greenhouse.So what are you waiting? Choosing the greenhouse design thatbestsuits you property or environment may always not be easy to doinour lovable app of greenhouse design! Another option with wouldbeto have access to proven greenhouse constructions plans. Clickhereto learn how you can access expert greenhouse plans anddownload forbetter experience!
Doll House Design Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Many children spend hours playingwithdollhouse toys, carefully arranging and dramatizing scenarios.Notonly are kids enthusiastic about it, but there arenumerouseducational benefits to playing with a miniature dollhouse:Dolls promote imaginative play, which isdevelopmentallyimportant for children. Adults often discountpretend play since itappears to have no purpose. However, it is akey component oflearning for children of all ages. Research hasfound connectionsbetween imaginative play and cognition, socialabilities, andlanguage skills. This type of play allows children topracticetheir social skills, work through any troubling orupsettingevents, develop their conversational vocabularies, learnempathy,and stretch their creativity.Some parents are troubled by pretending when children seem torejectthe "real" world. However, a child who insists he is asuperhero orshe is a princess is not denying reality. For a child,it's anintricate experiment to discover the limits of imaginationandreality, along with exploring how someone else might see,think, andfeel. Logical rules still apply, and kids often think ofelaboratesolutions to problems.When children play together with miniature dollhouse toys,skillslike having self-control, taking turns, sharing, listening,andimprovisation are further developed. Don't assume games arelimitedby gender. Girls and boys both enjoy playing with realisticfiguresand houses, since these reflect their own life experiencesof theworldDollhouse toys come in every possible shape, from tiny stainedglasswindows and paintings to cars. A miniature dollhouse couldhave anelegant garden, with a rocking horse in the nursery alongwith adining table laden with real dishes and intricate foods.Somechildren go on to make their own clothing or furnishings,furtherincreasing their use of imagination, creativity, fine motorskills,and concentration. They may decide to collect pieces anddevelop arewarding hobby.When playing with miniature dollhouse toys, younger childrenwilluse just a few figures and simple pieces of furniture and lettheirimagination take care of the rest. Older childrenbecomeenthusiastic about more detailed accessories and morerealisticsettings. As kids get older, they gain greaterappreciation for theopen-ended possibilities offered by a miniaturedollhouse withdetailed, realistic dollhouse toys and figurines.So what are you waiting? Now that you have a little better ofanideas as to just how great having them for your kids can be,youare going to want to buy one or two. Before, make sure that youaretaking your time and that you are discovering the ideas ofDollhouse design in our application! Get a quality doll house madeofsturdy materials so that your child can play with it for manyyearsto come here!Download and enjoy!
Cake Art 1.0
mary jenkins
Cakes used to come in either vanillaorchocolate and are shaped as squares, rectangles, and circles.Thesedays though, cakes can come in a vast number of shapes,colors, andeven tastes. Custom cakes have certainly changed the waywe haveenjoyed these delicious treats, it has also taken the joyofcelebrating special occasions to a higher level.Custom cakes are becoming a hit with a lot of people thesedaysespecially during kids' birthday parties. Designs forbirthdaycakes are seemingly endless, considering the number ofcartooncharacters, themes, and toys that cakes can be patternedafter.These types of custom cakes make a kid's birthday partymoreenjoyable and memorable.A cake can be the focal point of a special occasion, be itawedding, an anniversary, or a birthday. These past fewyearsthough, custom cakes can be given at almost every opportunityandhave become an everyday custom for people who enjoy sweets. Acakepatterned after a sunflower for example will certainly liftthespirit of any person lucky enough to be given one.We only used to enjoy cakes in either vanilla or chocolate,andthere were times that we have wished to experience adifferentflavor each time we crave for a slice. Now we arefascinated by thevarious flavors that custom cakes have; be itbanana, carrot, andcheesecake. Cakes that have ice cream in themhave been introducedtoo, making them a perfect indulgence for thoseof us who have asweet tooth.You can see all kinds of cakes with exquisite designs that looktoogood to eat and wonder how they are made in our app. Well,acertain passion has to be in you to be able to make a cake thatcanbe enjoyed by everybody who beholds and eats it, and the peoplewhospecialize in baking cakes have that passion. After all, it'snotevery day that you come across a work of art; and the fact thatyoucan it makes it doubly satisfying.So what are you waiting? A custom cake requires focus andanattention to detail. And here is the best place to get manyideasof cake art. Our application is the best way to discovering!Sodon’t waste your time and start download our application!
Architect Floor Design Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Over the last few years, Architect 3Dgraphicshave gained popularity. They have become a powerful anduniquemethod of advertising. Advertising agencies strive to createnewand fresh marketing campaigns that grab maximum attentionandlong-lasting impression. 3D advertising creates aninnovativeapproach that uses attention grabbing graphics toadvertise acompany's product or service. This medium utilizescustom graphic3D designs (indoor and/or outdoor) for any campaign,event orproduct.Whether it's an indoor or outdoor floor, they convey a uniqueandmagnificent conceptual art that incorporates digital graphicdesignand a lifelike image. These images are installed on thefloor todisplay a logo, message, or brand in a three-dimensionalway. Thistype of media print is designed using a CAD program(computer-aideddesign), specifically programmed to create 3Dgraphics, as well asphotographs of objects at certain angles tocreate such effect.After the custom image design is created, aspecialized printingcompany prints the image for final use. Whenpeople view somethingcolorful and eye-catching on the floor, theyare likely to stop andsee what they are walking across. So, thisis a great way totransmit the core of your advertising message.The possibilities ofmaximizing their usage are virtuallyendless.The 3D models of the buildings, furniture, interiors etchavestriking similarity with their real world counterparts; theonlymajor difference is that they you can view these 3D models onyourcomputer screens. The 3D models as produced as a result canbeviewed and rotated at any angle and also can be re-sized orzoomedto view them from varying distances. Not only this,architectural3D modeling allows you to view a 3D model with varioustextures andsurfaces. This becomes particularly helpful whiledeciding the kindof paints, tiles, wallpapers, and flooring are going tochoose for various parts of your building.Architectural 3D modeling allows you to have an early view ofdesignand thus, you can get benefited by having a number of 3Dmodeleddesign options to choose from. Whether you are lookingforward tohaving built a new building, a new room, or just somerenovation inyour office or home, architectural 3D modeling canhelp you bypresenting the close matches of the designs you wouldlike to havefor your home, office, garden furniture etc. This isdefinitely oneof the excellent techniques to reduce thepossibility ofdeficiencies in the final outcome and give shape toyour designideas.So do you want to remodeling your home or just find theideasabout architect 3D design? Please visit and download our app!Getmany ideas of ARCHITECT 3D DESIGN in our app. Pick up manydesignthat affordable for many style, size and decoration!Browse more and enjoy!
Home Ceiling Design 1.0
mary jenkins
It’s no wonder to call ceiling as a fifthwallof the room—ceiling is probably the largest expanse ofinterruptedspace in a room. Adding just a little color to any roomin yourhome can be a small step towards BIG decorativeimprovements. Colorhas the ability to create the illusion that aroom is eitherbigger, smaller than it is in reality. What apowerful tool! In allhonesty there are no fixed rules in interiordesign. As long as youkeep in mind the overall picture of howeverything fits together,you can be free to let your imaginationtake over.Ceilings can seem quite plain if left bare, but if you wanttomake them more visually appealing then why not considerceilingtiling? This adds texture to the ceiling and depending onthe styleyou go for, can help make the room feel smaller and morecosy. Ifyou're planning to use tiling on a high ceiling you cancreate anice contrast by keeping the walls plainer and using blockcolour.This way the room does not feel too busy and there arelesselements fighting for attention.Although as we've mentioned there are no fixed rules,whendecorating rooms with high ceilings always remember the keyconceptthat less is more. This means that you should avoid clutteranddecorating the room with lots of small objects andfurnishings.Instead keep it minimal and go for fewer but largeritems offurniture. Of course interior design is a matter of tasteand theonly way you can find out what works and what doesn't isbyexperimenting.So what is the ideal ceiling height? Well of course it is amatterof personal preference; but I will offer my opinion. Forsmallerrooms, say 120 to 200 square feet, my favorite height is 9feet.For me this is a nice balance of openness and luxury over theolderstandard of 8 feet, but maintains an intimate feel. Forlargerrooms, like living areas and great rooms, I like a ten footceilingheight. To me this just feels right for larger sized rooms.Thebest way to determine the ceiling height that is right for youisto simply take notice of room that you are comfortable in andmakea mental note of the ceiling height.SO what are you waiting? This is the time to discoverstunningceiling design through this amazing app. You can find manyideas ofhome ceiling design! So download our app forbetterexperience!Please visit our app and Enjoy!Home Ceiling DesignThe source of ceiling design!
Outdoor Kitchen Design Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Outdoor kitchens are a great addition toanyhome. In warm climates they can be used all year round, whileincolder places they may need to be reserved for the summermonths.Outdoor kitchens are becoming popular these days witheveryonewanting to enjoy the great outdoors. Many families enjoyeatingoutside especially during the summer season. These cookingstationsare also great for BBQ parties. Planning for an outdoorliving areacan sometimes take time because there are severalimportant factorsto consider. But once you have your own kitchenoutdoors, you willrealize that the time, effort and money you putin planning andmaking your kitchen is worth it.Before remodeling your house to include an outdoor kitchen, itisvery important to plan everything first. This is to ensure thatyouwill know exactly what you should, how much you will spend andtheend result. The cost is definitely one of the most importantfactorsto consider.Aside from the cost, the design is another crucial factor.Youshould make sure that your outdoor kitchen does not clash withyourhouse design, backyard landscape or your patio. These kitchenscanadd to the real estate value of your home so make sure thatitblends with the surroundings. You can either hire a professionaltodesign your kitchen or you can also look at picture ofpopularoutdoor living areas for your reference.The location of the outdoor kitchen is another issue toconsider.Usually, existing patios or backyard decks are goodfoundations foran outdoor kitchen. If you do not have a patio or adeck, you canfind another location for your outdoor kitchen. Justmake sure thatit is near the house. The location of the grillshould also beconsidered. Think of the direction of the wind whensetting up thegrill. The smoke should not be carried into thedirection of thehouse.Other factors to think about when building outdoor kitchensincludethe type of cooking you are expecting to do and the functionof thekitchen. For example, if you plan to do heavy cooking, aBasicisland design is not the best option for you. If you areplanningto use the outdoor kitchen for family gathering only, thenyou donot need to build a big one. But if it is for large parties,thenmake a bigger one.So what are you waiting? Choosing the right design for youwillinclude a number of factors. Starting with how much you havetospend on building that perfect kitchen. So please download ourappto get many ideas of outdoor kitchen design and enjoy!
Men Hair Styles 1.0
mary jenkins
In the past, men have pretended that theywerenot much concerned about their appearance, and thiswasparticularly emphasised when it came to hair. However, in anagewhen the differentiation between the genders becomesincreasinglyblurred, men have followed their sisters into allmanner ofpersonal adornment. In Ghana, over the second half of thetwentiethcentury, this trend threatened to lessen the dominance ofnaturaltonsorial styles and persuaded some to find self-expressionin thefull range of more manipulative means of hair controlWomen have so many choices when it comes to changing theirlookswith hair and makeup. Men usually have one look by default,butit's not their fault. Guys can rock a few different looks iftheygo to the right stylist or barber. First of all, they needaskilled stylist who keeps current on styles, cuttingtechniques,takes their time with each man in their chair, and alsoeducatesthem on how to do 2-3 different styles with their haircut.Usuallyit's with minimal hair product.Most men nowadays are conscious about how they look. They lookforthe best men's hair cut styles that will improve theirappearance.Do not stress over ways of finding professionals whoknow thelatest hair trends for men, as they are easy to find.Search on theinternet or ask for recommendations from friends andfamily. Makesure your stylist has attended professional haircuttingclasses toensure the best services.Here are some Factors Men should consider when Choosing aGoodHairstyle:-Your hair type (Is it wavy, curly or straight?)-How comfortable it makes you feel-The shape of your face. There are certain face shapes that suitaparticular style. Buzz cuts can be ideal for men who havesharpfeatures.To get great men's hair cut styles, take a photo of the styleyouwant and give it to your stylist. Ask for theirrecommendation.They might give you useful input about the hairstyle. They canhelp you get the perfect style that suits yourpersonality, hairtype, and texture.So what are you waiting? In our app we are provide many photoofstyle and modern haircuts for men. Make sure the style isperfectfor you! So don’t waste your time and start discovering!
Lipstick Tutorial 1.0
mary jenkins
Ladies, you know what it's like when yougoshopping for a new shade of lipstick. Here you are in thelipstickaisle looking up and down the rows of pinks, mauves, reds,andpurple. Another minute goes by and you still haven't made upyourmind. Darn those makeup manufacturers - so many shades tochoosefrom. There are lipstick colors to go with every skin tone,everypossible outfit, and every day or evening situation you mayfindyourself in.Okay, you've got to make a decision somehow. Here's asuggestion.The next time you go lipstick shopping, pick out yourlipstickcolors to match each one of your moods.Now, ladies, if you're like me you'll wake up in the morning andtryto get dressed, but for some reason you just can't grab aquickoutfit and go. Nope. You're realizing you're not in the moodtowear that pink top, or those brown pants, or thatparticularstriped suit. You stand there a few minutes picking outthis,throwing that aside, until you finally select just the rightoutfitfor how you're feeling that day.Pink Lipstick Colors - Light pink shades are innocent, softandgentle. Wear pink on your lips when you're feeling prettyandgirly. Hot pink kicks things up a notch. Usually, hot pink iswornwhen you're feeling your girl power and want to havesomefun.Orange Lipstick Colors - Orange shades are a breath ofsunshine.Wear orange on your lips when you're relaxed, happy andfeeling alittle spunky. Orange is the color of sunshine, so it canreallygive you a lift on gloomy days.Red Lipstick Colors - Red shades evoke confidence andindependence.Wear red on your lips when you're feeling strong andin the mood toeither make decisions or kick some butt. Yes, whenyou stroll inwearing your red lipstick, people better watch out -this womanmeans business.Purple Lipstick Colors - Purple shades are mysterious and alittlerebellious. Wear purple on your lips when you feel likesteppingout of your comfort zone and want to be unique. Purple isneverboring, but always cool and vibrant.Brown Lipstick Colors - Brown shades are warm, earthy andinviting.Wear brown on your lips when you're feeling like kickingback andtaking it easy. No fuss and no muss, just doing yourthing.So what are you waiting? In many different ways one canputlipstick. Here is the best place to find many ideas oflipsticktutorial! Download and share the ideas! Enjoy!
Diaper Cake Craft 1.0
mary jenkins
Traditional diaper cakes are made up ofabaseboard, many diapers, elastic bands, embellishments suchasribbons and bows, and soft toys and other cute baby items thatmayappeal to the newborn. The best part about being invited to ababyshower is making the diaper cake. How a diaper cake lookswilldepend on you because you can personalize it anyway you want.Youcan make it pretty simple or embellish it with plushanimals,ribbons and useful products that the mom can use. You alsodon'thave to be talented to be able to make one.When you're making a diaper cake, there are two basic shapesyoucan make. You can make the cake round or in the form of asquare.If you're making a circular cake, you have to support thebase withan object like a cake circle.You can tailor the cake to suit the Mom and her new baby.Forobvious reasons you will want to choose pink or blue themedribbonsand cloths and diapers depending on whether it is a boy or agirl.But of course you don't have to use only these colors andyoushould customize it as you see fit.Many people wonder what size of diapers to use in the diapercakes.It really depends on the effect you are trying to achieve.Largerdiapers will create a much greater sized cake and perhaps addmoreimpact upon first presentation. However we have foundthatnewborn/infant sized diapers are perfectly suited and create acakewhich isn't oversize and impractical.Now you have to decide what theme you're going to use foryourdiaper cake. Do you know the sex of the baby? Do you want tomake aboy cake or a girl cake? Or is it better to just make aneutraldiaper cake? These are the questions you have to answerbefore youstart making your cake. Also what theme do you like? Youcan designyour cake based off your favorite characters or you canmake it ageneral boy cake and make it blue. Once you have thatfigured out,you can go to your local craft store and get all yoursupplies.So what are you waiting for? Make your own diaper cakecraftwithin our application! This app are contains thousand ideasofdiaper cake idea! So don’t waste your time! Please download ourappand start discovering many ideas of diaper cake!
Home Fireplace Design 1.0
mary jenkins
There is nothing like the warmth fromabeautiful, antique masonry fireplace complete with all thoseyearsof comfort and history behind it. While your home'soriginalmasonry hearth is a beautiful testament to thecraftsmanship of anera gone by, it is likely an extremelyinefficient heat source andmight even be a dangerous hazard.Fireplace inserts take the place of the potentiallyhazardousfuel-burning portion of your hearth by connecting directlyto yourexisting chimney and flue. They are efficient burners ofpellets,gas, or wood, and are available in traditional, rustic,andcontemporary styles.Fireplace inserts allow homeowners to maintain the originalbeautywhile upgrading to the energy efficiency standards of today.Theyare constructed of an inner box and steel outer shell, with asteelflue that is typically directed into the existing chimney(unless acomplete chimney liner is used). They can prevent heatloss intothe surrounding masonry and provide a warmer, more energyefficientsystem. They also prevent the air gap with an open hearth,where upto eight percent of your home's furnace-heated airtypicallyescapes.These unique systems can be a low-cost option when compared toafull-blown renovation, and they save money on your overallhomeheating costs by producing a more efficient, longer lastingheatsource that uses less fuel and directs the heat intotheroom.Fireplace inserts are a cost efficient and attractive alternativetotraditional gas or wood burning masonry types. Besides havingalarge variety of styles to choose from that will fit anybudget,you will save on energy and maintenance costs. Here are justsomeof the benefits.So what are you waiting? When looking for many design offireplace, this app is the perfect choice! You can get many ideasoffireplace design collection from the expert. Don’t waste yourtimeand download!
Bento Lunch Box 1.0
mary jenkins
A bento box is a takeout meal, or a mealpackedat home. While they are most common in Asian cultures,particularlyJapan, they are beginning to spread throughout theWest as well. Atraditional bento box lunch includes rice, fish ormeat, and somekind of vegetable. Bentos are known for theirelaboratepresentation, the more complicated, the better. Bentomakers fashionfood into shapes like flowers, characters, or otherrecognizableeveryday items and forms.The reasons behind bento boxes are many: To make foodlookdelicious, to demonstrate care and love for the recipient, andasan art form in and of itself. By spending extra time on themeal'spresentation, the recipient feels loved and cared for... andkidseven may be more likely to eat their vegetables when they'reshapedlike their favorite cartoon or anime character.Bento boxes have become popular in a number of other Asianculturesoutside of Japan, such as Hawaii, the Philippines, Korea,andTaiwan. And American parents are finding bento box lunchesfortheir children to be a special way of showing their kids alittleextra care and love - and of impressing teachers and otherparents!It's also a fun way to demonstrate your creativity andoriginality,as well as a sense of fun.Though bentos can be as complicated as you like, beginners canstartwith just a few tools, most of which you probably alreadyhave onhand, like cookie cutters (for cutting sandwiches), edibleinkmarkers (for drawing faces and decorating food, and evenwritingnotes), toothpicks, and fluted paper cupcake liners. Just afewminutes in the morning can transform a normal lunch intosomethingworthy of celebration.The biggest drawback to bentos meals is that your kids (oryou,yourself) may find the food to cute to eat! So what areyouwaiting? Looking for some more creative lunch suggestions orwaysto fuel your child's passion for cooking? Check out the funbentolunch box here. This app will give you many ideas of bentolunchbox around the world, so don’t forget to download andEnjoy!
Decorative Pillow Craft 1.0
mary jenkins
Decorative pillows play an important partinenhancing the atmosphere your home. It is also very practicalforyou to use decorative pillows because they are economical. Theycanadd character and variety in your home and can beautify yourbedsand chairs.There are a lot of designs released in the market nowadaysthatyou can choose from. It all depends in your preference andstyle.But you must remember that decorative pillows should matchtheatmosphere, style and color of your home.Pillows have different categories depending on your needs. Youmayfind basic, embellished and custom-made pillows. Basicdecorativepillows are known to be plain and minimal. You canactually usethis in any room because it is made for all types ofdesigns.On the other hand, you may choose embellished pillows if youprefervery detailed and explicit designs. You must know that thefabricthat they use come in different texture and design and youmay findembroideries and laces on it. If you want your pillows tobedistinctive, you may choose custom-made pillows. The style forthispillow totally depends on your preference.The design of the room should be given importance by choosingtheright color pattern, having good textile quality andcoordinatedpatterns and motif. With this, you must be able tochoose the rightfabric for your pillows. It should match theatmosphere of yourroom.It is indeed true that pillows can be very helpful in enhancingthebeauty of your home. But you should also be practical inusingthem. You can mix your old decorative pillows with your newonesfor as long as they complement each other. Always rememberthatharmony and balance in your home should be achieved in usingthesepillows.Throw pillow cases can be made out of different fabrics. Somearemade of cotton while others are made of silk. Just like withthepattern, choose which one you should have based on the conceptthatyou plan to carry out.So what are you waiting? Here is the best place to get manyideasof Decorative pillow cover! What type of design and style areyoulooking for? Do you want a pillow slip that is simplistic andmakesuse of bold colours? Or perhaps you are looking for acertainpattern such as floral or nautical, either way decide onacombination of colours that will compliment your livingareawhether it be a print, embroidery or any other type.Pleasedownload our app and make your own decorative pillow from ourapp!Enjoy!
Garden Decoration Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Simple decoration can make a dramatic changeonthe entire look of your garden. Garden decoration servesmanypurposes. It is pleasurable to design fanciful gardens thatwillattract the eyes of every visitor that will come to your house.Most of the women who are fond of gardening activitiesusuallyspend their time in the garden. After a long week of dealingintobusiness matters, weekend is the perfect time for them to bondwiththe blossoming and aromatic flowers.Garden decoration is a desirable activity. This is trueespeciallyif gardening is your passion. Many of the people who haveanexperience in gardening could testify how it is hard tomaintainits beauty. Aside from considering the decoration of yourgardenyou also need to take note of the health of yourplants.o Plan on your motif or concept.This is an important factor because the motif or the concept ofyourgarden decoration will serve as a basis for choosing the kindsofflowers, the landscapes and the entire design of yourgarden.o Choose the plants that will suit your garden decoration.In choosing plants especially the flowering ones, you canconsultsome expert decorators regarding the types that will fityourgarden. It can be an assortment of colors and sizes dependingonhow you will perceive the outcome of your garden will be.o Start on the job.After you made up your mind regarding the concept, you can nowstartbuying the flowers and other necessary things that are neededforyour decoration. You can seek aid from an interior decoratortoguide you with the right things to do.o Maintenance.Your task doesn't end there. After you are able to finishyourgarden decoration it does not mean that you will just leaveitthere. Plants need nourishment so be sure to check its growthmostof the times. Never fail to keep your garden clean as well.Garden decoration is not merely dealing with things on howyoucan make your garden beautiful. It also requires yourcommitmentand dedication. So don’t waste your time and startdiscovering byusing our application of garden decoration ideas!This app is theperfect place to find many adorable gardendecorations! So on!Please download our app and share!
Recycled Jeans Craft 1.0
mary jenkins
Recycling materials is a great way tosupportour environment. Try going green and recycle products thatyou havestored in your home such as plastic, water filters andbottles.Recycled your jeans are best way!Clothing that is made from organic materials is uniqueandcreative. Eco-friendly clothing is environmental friendly madewithmaterials that are chemical free. Hemp is a softer fabric.Hemp,organic cotton and wool are popular materials used in ecoclothing.Traditional clothing is made out of nylon materials thathavechemicals tied to global warming.Recycled jeans are typically made out of organic cotton. It isnotproduce with harmful chemicals. Organic cotton is certified tobefree of any toxic dyes and pesticides. Materials used arenotderived from animals. You will not find leather boots oracrocodile purse in an eco-friendly clothing store.An old pair of jeans is either distressed to perfection andfitslike a glove, or simply last season’s news. When you comeacrossthe latter, resist the urge to add to your cut off collectionandinstead, transform this durable and versatile fabric intosomethingtotally wow-worthy.So what are the things that you can recycle? There arelimitlesspossibilities of recycling jeans into art you can get inthis app.You can get numerous ideas on home decor o by use our app.Do thinktwice about how it can be recycled as a Fashionable jeansitem.Download and enjoy our app! There are many ideas you couldfoundhere, from the unique to the incredible stunning ideas torecycledold jeans
Vertical Garden Design 1.0
mary jenkins
If you are living in the city or an urbanplacewhere there is limited land available, then you should thinkaboutvertical gardening. You can easily train plants to growverticallyby using supports and frames. This will make it easy forthe plantto grow vertically, as it is a natural process for them.Verticalgardening is quite similar to hydroponics. Even here theroots ofthe plants are supported using a fibrous material and thenutrientsare added to it. Water is also added to the fibroussupport.The good thing about vertical gardening is that it can bedoneoutdoors or indoors. Here are some tips for vertical gardeningthatyou will find extremely useful:The most important part of vertical gardening is the location.Ifyou are planning on an outdoor garden, ensure that the plantsgetmaximum sunlight during the day. The plants should not bedeprivedof sunlight in any way whatsoever.You can grow many varieties of plants with a vertical gardenplan.Flowers, greenery, vegetables and fruit can all do wellwithvertical gardening techniques - and most of the time, yieldmorethan a traditional, horizontal garden space.Growing vegetables is especially easy with a growing-upgardenbecause the veggies are off the ground and away fromsoil-bornediseases and pests. For those of us who love having agarden buthave difficult bending and kneeling, a vertical garden isgreat forharvesting while standing.Weeding your garden is practically non-existent and you'll needveryfew supplies to keep your vertical garden green and yielding.You'llalso enjoy the fact that air circulation is better for theplantswhenYou'll need to consider the type of garden you'replanting(vegetable, flowers or greenery) and how much they'll beexposed tothe elements that exist in your garden. For example, willthey begrowing in full sun, on a trellis, arbor or shaded wallorfence?Be sure that whatever you choose as a growing structure issecure,especially if you're growing heavy fruit and vegetables suchassquash, pumpkins and melons. There are ways to give the plantsmoresupport, such as "slings" or wire cages.So what are you waiting? Good luck for your beautifulverticalgarden and watch your small space garden come to life withyourlandscaping ideas. Find many ideas of vertical garden designhere!Our app is the best choice!
Eye brow Make Up Tutorial 1.0
mary jenkins
Beautifully shaped brows can enhance yourbonestructure. A little peak toward the outer part of the brow cangiveyour face a real lift. Personally I prefer more of aslightlyangular brow on a woman's face. The brow which looks likeasemicircle over the eye can give you a startled cold look.Mymake-up mentor used to give this shape as an example of themostunflattering eyebrow, particularly when pencil thin.A good make-up artist never overlooks the brows! The brows,theirarch, thickness, length, colour, and overall shape can make afacelook more beautiful or indeed detract from ones looks. As weage,the brows become thinner and in some cases quite sparse. So itisastounding to me that many women pluck their brows to within aninchof their life. Over plucked eyebrows can age the look ofyourface!If your eyebrows are over plucked, don't despair, just growthemback. You can pluck the stray hairs between and underneaththebrows to keep them tidy. If you do choose to get themdoneprofessionally, ask for a more natural fuller brow with aHollywoodarch. Draw them a picture of what you like or take a photoin ofbeautiful brows. DON'T leave it up to their imagination orassumethey can picture what you are asking for! And look at theirbrowsto see whether or not you should allow them to work onyours.BUY yourself a good eyebrow powder kit (some include a littlewaxpalette to keep the brows in place) or a pencil. The best colouristaupe, suiting most skin tones. Keep your application subtlewithno harsh lines. If you do not have a natural peak, you cansuggestone with your make-up brush or pencil. Remember practicemakesperfect.So what are you waiting? You need to check out the work inthisapplication before letting them lose on your face! You may alsobeconfident enough to learn to groom your own eyebrows with justtheodd visit to a trusted professional brow shaper. The good onesareusually very expensive. Find more inspiration to make yourownnatural eyebrow here. Our app is the cheapest way to eyebrowmakeuptutorial collection ideas!
Bracelet Craft Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Bracelets are not only beautifuljewelryarticles people wear around their wrists, they are uniqueforms ofexpression. From the study of ancient history it is quiteclearthat human beings have worn bracelets since the beginning oftime.Even today bracelets are used in all parts of the world.Indifferent parts of world the use of jewelry variessignificantly,but people from different cultures, countries andreligions wearbracelets without any distinction. How to make abracelet?Bracelets can be manufactured by using differentmaterials. You cansave money and enjoy wearing a self-made braceletquite easily.Cloth, plastic, hemp, leather, wood and rocks are mostly usedinthe production of bracelets. If you are willing to make yourownbracelet then it's an adventure in itself. You can improviseyourown ideas and create something innovative; you can useoldhouse-hold materials for this purpose. Firstly, you have todecidewhich material you are going to use for your bracelet.Fishing lineand nylon string can be used for holding beads and cancreate afantastic bracelet with little cost.After deciding the material, consider your personality. Whichsizeand color bracelet will suit your personality? Want to harvestyourinner fire? How about a red bracelet? Choose the wire ofyourbracelet wisely so that it can't hurt your hand, stainlesssteelwire with nylon coating is highly recommended for yourbracelet.Now choose the material for display on your bracelet. Youcanchoose attractive parts of old toys, computers and uselesskitchenaccessories. It is better if you use some special beads andpearlsdesigned especially for this purpose.Now wrap this selected material with nylon coated wire. You candosome amendments with your bracelet. See the combination ofbeadsand pearls (if used) and reset them if they are not inanappropriate manner. A very common problem with a handmadebraceletis that they are not durable. It is because people make theloop oftheir bracelet very small. Please take care of the loop sizeandadd some extra space in the loop for the movement of thebraceletin your hand. Chain mail bracelets are very difficult tomakebecause interlocking different rings can be a difficulttask.Now join these rings properly in the desired shape and yourbraceletis ready. As discussed earlier bracelets bring style andenhanceyour personality and they are highly recommended towear.So what are you waiting? This application is quite obviousthatpeople will ask you how to make a bracelet. Seize the dayandcreate your own bracelet! Don’t forget to download forbetterexperience! You can feel great if you have made yourownbracelet!Would you like to learn more fun from bracelets and view somegreatbracelet craft patterns here!
Royal Wedding Dresses 1.0
mary jenkins
Every bride wants to be beautiful onherwedding day. To many this translates into being fashionableandbeautiful. If not, then many brides would still be walking downtheaisles in balloon dresses with puff sleeves and sky-highteasedhair.Wedding season kicks into high gear beginning in April,whichmeans that many Spring brides are currently on the search forthedress of their dreams before that time. Today's brides haveamyriad number of trends to choose from and those trends areshapingthe brides of the future.Many brides are thrilled that wedding dresses with sleeveshavebecome a trend with lasting power, but the next step inbridalfashion has exploded on the scene. Some brides do notwantfull-length sleeves, but instead want to balance a little sexywitha bit of modesty. For those kinds of brides, the new offtheshoulder look is for them.The style evokes romance and lets women show off theirdelicatecollarbones without putting everything on full display.This stylewas seen on all of the top runways this season andharkens back toa time when one may have bumped into Jane Austen inthecountry.Much like the sleeved trend, color seems to be anotherbridalfashion with longevity. Stark white rarely flatters brides,sodesigners eased into the possibility of playing with colorbyintroducing cream, then blush and champagne into theircolorpalettes. Many young girls dream of being princesses when theygrowup and their wedding day allows them to live out their dream.Thus,this year designers highlighted full tulle gowns on theirrunways.The gowns evoked images of fabulous princesses ready tomarry theirprince.However, not all gowns were full and fabulous. Many designers tookamore modernized concept of the princess bride and streamlinedthetulle in order to give their dresses an ethereal feelingwithoutthe bulk.The Royal wedding, which is commencing in the most romanticandbeautiful time of year perfect for exchanging vows,spring,everyone must be thinking what royal bride and groom chooseto giveas wedding gifts to her bridesmaid and groomsmen.So what are you waiting? Here you can find many ideas ofroyalwedding dresses. Like the wedding gown and other details, theroyalwedding favours may also be a subject of secrecy and protectedbutone can imagine what they might choose. Pick the ideas fromthisapp royal wedding and bridal gown.Download and enjoy!
Garage Interior Design 1.0
mary jenkins
Most people hire the services of contractorstomake a garage plan for them. But if you prefer to build yourown,coming up with a garage interior design idea is reallynotdifficult. While technical expertise is important, there arebasicfactors which should make things easy for you.Where do you plan to build your garage? Most homes eitherhavefront or side garage. Either way, garage should beconstructedwhere house and the driveway are most accessible.Location alsoplays an important role on the overall design of yourgarageinterior. The space available determines how the garageinteriorshould be constructed in respect on the functions you wantyourgarage to have. Once you have determined the "where",everything iseasy.How will the garage be used? Before, the garage is used solelytokeep the vehicle secured. But garage nowadays servesmultiplepurposes from storing house and gardening tools to workingspacefor do-it-yourselfers.Your garage walls can accommodate most of your home toolsandgardening equipment including your brooms, extension cords,hoses,garden tools, ladders, bicycles, balls and bats, golf bagsandaccessories, food coolers, coats, shoes, hats, and otherworkshopand general house tools and accessories. Install verticalstorageon the wall for additional storage space.Garage cabinets can store your insect, lawn, and gardenchemicals,paint, other small tools used for car maintenance, andthe rest ofthe items you want to keep hidden for safetyreasons.Overhead storage can be installed to maximize the unused spaceofyour ceiling. Here, you can securely keep seasonal items suchassports equipment, holiday decorations, and other things thatcannotbe kept at the floor.Functionality is your main concern when thinking of a garagedesignidea, should you be worried with the aesthetics? Yes. Howyourgarage will look like is important. Colors of the wall, designofthe cabinets, types of materials used, and even the theme ofthegarage should be carefully planned.So what are you waiting? A perfect garage interior design isveryimportant for building or redesigning a home. The garagedesignshould be planned well ahead without any flaws. You caneithercreate your own garage interior design or hire an expertinteriordesigner from our app. Find the design of GARAGE INTERIORhere,takes the perfect design for our garage!Download and enjoy!
Korean Fashion Style Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
If you have you been bitten by the Koreanbugknown as "Hallyu", and you want to take part of the Koreanwavethat is currently sweeping the globe, then you can do sobyintroducing Korean fashion in your wardrobe. Korean fashion isverynow and trendy. And to help you achieve this style, here aresometips to get you looking like a Korean pop star.Latest Korean Fashion Trends1. The preppy lookThe clean and polished look of the preppy style is takenintoanother level by introducing layering. You can layer aclassicbutton-up shirt with a bejeweled collar or a super awesomebowtie.2. Sheer and clearIf you want to stay fashionable in the summer, you can dress upinclothes made from sheer materials to keep you cool and stylishatthe same time. Lacy nightgowns are perfect examples ofthis.3. Great jackets and cardigansIf you're not into the preppy, layered look, you can opt forthespunky, rock and roll style. You can achieve this by wearingastudded jacket, or a cardigan with embellishments. By wearingthesepieces of clothing, you can definitely make a fashionstatementthat people will notice.4. Princess dressesKorean fashion is not immune to the propensity of most Asians totheallure of anything cute. Dresses with frilly and ruffleddetailscome in abundance. And they usually come in soft and brightcolorslike hot pink.5. Flower powerDresses are made more cuter by having flower details orflowerprints. These clothes are perfect for frolicking underthesun.Fashion is an ever changing concept. Fashion lies iconstyle,fashion lies in presentation, fashion lies in the way youtalk andalso on the way you perceive things. The concept isdifferentlypracticed in different places depending on the climateand choiceof the general population.So what are you waiting for? Find many ideas of Koreanfashionstyle in our app. Be more fashionable and stylist just bydownloadour amazing app! Be the most fashionable one in Koreanstyle!
Japanese Garden Style 1.0
mary jenkins
Japanese gardens are growing inpopularitynowadays. This can be attributed to its gracefulcombination ofplants, water and rocks all meticulously arranged toinvite a senseof calm and tranquility. If you're looking to buildyour ownJapanese garden at home, here are important principles youshouldkeep in mind:1. Your stone layout sets the foundationAs Ancient Japanese mythology puts great importance to mountainsandstones as the foundation of the earth, the Japanese considerthis asone of their most important principles in designing theirown zengardens. They believe that stones form the frame of thegarden andif they are properly arranged, the other parts of thegarden shouldautomatically arrange itself. If you're just in theprocess ofdesigning your Japanese garden, some ideas includeincorporatingraked gravel around islands or laying outuniform-sized gray riverrocks to create a stream bed.2. The water serves as the basis of the wholegardencompositionWater is considered an essential part of every Japanese garden,asit symbolizes the steady and continuous flow of time. Elementsofwater in the Japanese garden are evident in theirpondinstallations and thin water strings flowing through rocks, aswellas in rocks, gravel and sand where water seems to have run drytosymbolize the passing of time. It might be a good idea tointroducefalling water or bamboo fountains in your garden design tocompletethe Japanese garden flavor.3. The architecture must help design a pathAs the Japanese culture put a lot of significance on life beingapath, its gardens are designed to take guests through acarefullydesigned path. On top of keeping with tradition, the mainfunctionof the path in Japanese garden design is the unification ofallgarden elements. They also put significant importance indesigningarchitecture that complements the path. These are usuallymade ofnatural materials such as wood, stone and metal.4. Use plants to create the backgroundEvery Japanese garden is designed in a way that plants alwaysobeythe stone layout. So, instead of letting the plants dictate howyouwant your garden to look, always keep in mind your stone layoutinselecting the plants that will soften the lines and createthebackground. You can select different kinds of garden plantstocomplement your stone layout from evergreens and coniferstoblooming trees and shrubs, all the way to local hardwoodsandperennial forest flowers. Don't be afraid to prune the treesinorder to echo your garden's architectural design and createsubtlereflections in water.So what are you waiting? What make this growing interest aretheJapanese gardens? You can see the photos of design here. Our appisthe best place to find various design of Japanese garden!
Japanese Bonsai Design 1.0
mary jenkins
Bonsai's are very unique and beautiful.Theyare a very intriguing art form and a creative outlet.BonsaiHobbyists who own and cultivate Bonsai's love and arepassionateabout what they do. It shows when people see theseamazingcreations. Those looking at getting into the bonsai hobbyare goingto be rewarded with more than just a beautiful BonsaiTree.Gardening has become a large topic for stress relief andbonsaigardening is no exception. They are a great stress relieverthatother hobbies may not offer. Working and living with nature,andthe feeling of caring for nature is like no other. Bonsaigardeningcan offer satisfaction beyond measure for those who arewilling toinvest their time into this hobby. As with anything theamount ofenergy one puts into an activity the more successful onewill be. Asense of accomplishment that may be missing in everydaylife can befound from caring for a bonsai tree or any other type ofgarden forthat matter.Bonsai Trees require strict regular attention! You mustbeconstantly concerned with the proper care (watering,fertilizing,and pruning). Unlike the plants trees and shrubs thatstayoutdoors, one must trim the roots of the bonsai's. This is anartform, and just like painting, one can gain serenityandaccomplishment by just stepping away from their everyday livesandenter into the peaceful world of their bonsai garden. This typeofhobby takes an enormous amount of patience, a characteristicthatwe desperately need in this world we live in. As a conclusionwecan say that tending Bonsai trees can offer benefits for theircaregiver. Not only is this hobby quite peaceful, it is also alivingart. Like painting or any creative art form, bonsai'sneedsconstant love and attention to achieve its full beauty. Withone'spersonal care a bonsai garden can prove to be the centerpieceofone's home.You have just learned about the basics of taking care ofindoorbonsai trees. As said earlier, bonsai itself is a little hardtomaintain. Thus, taking care of indoor bonsai is morechallenging.But then again, you will definitely make it if you haveenoughdedication in what you're doing.So are you planning to make Japanese bonsai? Please downloadourapp and find many designs of bonsai! The dedication will thenberewarded by the various benefits that you can get fromthismagnificent part of nature!
Garage Exterior Design 1.0
mary jenkins
Many view the garage as simply a place toparkthe car, store your stuff or hide out when your spouse is onthewarpath. While all of these uses have merit, they merelyscratchthe surface of what is possible. Yes, the garage will storeyourcar, but with the clever use of exterior wood doors andotherdesign features, it's also the perfect vehicle for sprucing upyourhome's curb appeal.By not tapping into that potential, you're ignoring a facetofyour home that can have a major impact thanks to its sizeandlocation. But take heart, because it to doesn't have to bethatway. It's just a matter of changing your perspective andseeingexterior wood doors in a whole new light.Would you prefer to mix or match? If you'd rather not commitonthat, or you're a guy and thus incapable of committing,there'sgood news: You don't have to! By blending the two approacheswithexterior wood doors, you can achieve much more than usingeitherone on its own.Where the home's façade employs a light color like cream orbeigewith a darker toned roof, use that same dark shade for thegarage'sexterior wood doors and admire the results. As well, ifyourproperty's layout lends itself to this, you might try paintingthegarage and shutters in identical hues. The combination ofmixingand matching will be striking and a real attention-getter aslongas you commit to it. Yes, there's always a catch.The most famous arches may be golden, but your house can bealmostas noteworthy if you incorporate the brick variety withexteriorwood doors. Garages that are otherwise unremarkable losethe "un"when you surround them with classic brick arches. Sure,thesearches can't brag about "10 billion served", but they CAN giveyourhome front a look that's one of a kind.Regardless of the size and structure of your garage, therearenumerous ways to enhance its appearance and the contributionitmakes to your home's overall image. By simply changing thecolor,fashioning a classic accent or adding windows, you'll beamazed atthe transformation.Discover the design of: garage exterior in our app. So whatareyou waiting for? The last and final area of attention ofyourgarage exterior should be from what material the garage doorbeinginstalled is made. Make your dream garage exterior bydiscoveringour app. Don’t waste your time, please download ourapp!
Bedroom Curtain Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
The bedroom is a space which has someveryparticular requirements, making it stand out from a livingroom, adining room or a bathroom for example. There are severalthingswhich need to be kept in mind therefore when furnishing thisroomwith curtains for best results. In any room of the home,curtainsmake up a large part of the décor and can significantlychange thelook and feel of a space. For this reason there are manydifferenttypes of curtain fabric available - from designer curtainfabricright through to numerous budget options - meaning that thereissomething to suit every taste and requirement.Although many people think of choosing curtains based ontheirdesign and colours first and foremost, this is actually thelastthing that you should really be considering for the room thatyouwill be sleeping in. This is because the curtains you choosewilldrastically affect your comfort when using the room.One of the key points here is that your curtains will actuallyneedto be thick and heavy enough in order to block out the lightthatcomes from the exterior of your property during the night.Althoughthis is obviously less of a consideration for those wholiverurally with very little outside light, this is important forthoseliving in bright, built-up areas.For this reason, it is strongly suggested to look at thethicknessof curtains as a primary factor if you live in a neighbourhoodthat is brightly lit at night. Sheer curtains may be a missforobvious reasons, but good choices could be items such ascotton,plaid, wool or synthetic curtains, all of which come invaryingthickness levels.To test the curtains for how much light gets through them, it isassimple as taking a bright pocket torch along with you to adesignercurtain fabric showroom or when testing samples you haveorderedfrom an online store. By shining the bright torch throughthefabric, you will be able to get a better sense of how opaqueitreally is.For choosing the curtains, you should also consider thelightfactor: how much light you want in the room. The amount oflightdepends on the style and fabric of the-curtains. Buy athickfabric-curtains like Cortina, if you want very less light inyourrooms. If you want more light, go for a more transparent andsheerfabric.So what are you waiting? If you are planning tocompletelyredecorate the room then you should start from thecurtains andmatch the other accessories and furnishing with it. Youcan findthe design of the curtain is chosen according to thebedroom styleand size of the window in this application. So startdownload andgo for a more stylish design of curtains!
Crochet Design Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Crochet is a great hobby to take up. Andnotonly is it a hobby that you can have fun with and useyourimagination but you can really be industrial with it. Thebenefitof saving money on what you are able to make by hand is alsoaplus. Not to mention the quality for experienced crochethobbyistcomes out looking better than anything you could buy inthedepartment store.Crocheting is artwork done with a hook using thread or yarn.Withit you can make beautiful doilies, decorations, blankets andevenclothing. It does not take much to learn the art, except maybesomepatience and hand coordination. It has become quite populartoday,but no one seems to know for sure where and whenitoriginated.In the early cultures they crocheted with a bent forefinger,insteadof using a hook. The early hooks ranged from bent needlesin a corkhandle to beautiful crafted silver, brass, steel, ivoryand bonehooks with a variety of handles.At one point in time crochet was considered only for the wealthy;tomake beautiful home décor and dress. The poor were expected toknitthe basic needs such as socks and simple clothing. The wealthydidnot want them to experiment with crochet because they fearedthepoor would fall behind in their work when working forthewealthy.Crochet is a hobby that is enjoyed by millions of people.Themotivations for getting started in this hobby are varied -somepeople want to make great projects that they can give as giftsorkeep to enjoy, while others simply want something to do whiletheyare relaxing at home in the evening. No matter what yourpersonalmotivation happens to be, the seven tips below should helpyoumaximize your enjoyment of this activity.Some of the more popular designs and patterns found inthesemagazines range from doilies and table clothes to mats,runners,baby dresses, bonnets and bootees, to name a few. Scarves,bags,purses and belts also add to the choice of designsavailable.So what are you waiting for? Check out more design ofcrochetdesign and pattern in this application! Find many popularcrochetdesigns through bag, hat, scarf, purses, and so on! This isthebest way of crochet collection design!
Plastic Bottle Craft 1.0
mary jenkins
With a little understanding of theissuesinvolved, we can re-use or recycle most of the masses amountofwaste we produce from plastic and glass and at the same time wecanreduce costs, save energy, protect the environment and evencreatenew jobs. Although waste awareness is on the increase,recyclingrates are on the low side and many people are stillunaware of justwhy recycling is so important.One of the main issues regarding the recycling of plastic islackof opportunity to recycle. This is partly because plastic canbecontaminated with other materials and the cost of processingthiscan outweigh the cost of producing more plastic so compared toothermaterials like glass and paper, there are fewer places torecycleplasticRecycling is a way you can Go Green. When you recycle, youareactually helping to keep unnecessary trash out of landfillsandsave on the overuse of our valuable natural resources. Therearemany ways to recycle. Of course, you can recycle plasticbottles,glass, and newspapers with your local garbage disposalservice. Butthere are other ways to. Many arts and crafts can bemade out ofthings you normally toss away. Glass and plastic bottlescan beturned into beautiful flower vases.Plastic household containers are usually marked with a numberthatindicates the type of plastic they’re made of. Consumers canthenuse this information to determine whether or not certainplastictypes are collected for recycling in their area. It’simportant toremember that these codes were not developed tocommunicaterecyclability, but rather to communicate the uniqueproperties ofthe different types of plastic. To be sure of a jug orbottle’srecyclability in your area, jump to the recyclinglocator.Getting your plastics prepared before putting in the bin is agoodidea. Labels are generally okay and it is often not requiredformost containers to be washed. Though clean plastics make foraneasier recycling process. Also, while it has alwaysbeenrecommended to remove bottle caps, most programs have evolvedpastthis need and it is actually better to keep the cap on(unlessspecifically noted otherwise in your curbside program). Makesureto not throw the cap in separately as it may get lost inthetransportation process and become litter.So what are you waiting? Supporting Go Green is an excellentway,So Finding ways to recycle is the most excellent way to GoGreen!Get more amazing idea to recycling the plastic bottle crafthere.Enjoy our app!
Photo Frame Craft DIY 1.0
mary jenkins
Photo Frames are the work of art. Theyhaveprovided craftsmen gainful employment as they are in demandfordifferent photo studios or even traders who supply them tomanyoutlets. They serve dual purpose of protecting the photographandalso giving photos the style and grace they need. The frames canbeused either for a photograph or for a painting.The most commonly used frames have been wooden frames.Woodenframes were the favoured ones in the olden days and you willfindthat most of the old photographs in your house or even atyourfriend's house are made of wood. Even the rich and famoususedwooden image holders as they were the most commonlyavailableframes and you would also get them in different shapes,sizes andtextures.In case if your store has sufficient stock, you will be able tothatperfect picture frame you have been looking for! However youmightnot be that lucky always and have to settle for thesatisfactoryones. But this does not necessarily be your case ifyou have enoughtime to make your own unique custom frame forwhichever object youwant and hang it in your home or maybe justgive it as a gift. Youdo not have to be quite crafty to make aframe, however with theinvestment of minimum time you can make abeautiful frame.Even though you can just go out and get yourself a frame mucheasilymaking a custom frame all be yourself is a lot more fun. Soif youare tired of looking for that perfect frame and could notfind itthen instead of feeling bad get your carpentry stufftogether andstart making your own frame.So if you have all that you need to make a frame then surely doitat your own property. So the first thing to make sure is to haveagood and clear workspace and everything that you will neednearby.Incase if you are not sure with the paints or other productstouse, and then for sure look up at the internet for advice. Youcaneven ask the consultants in the craft store. You mightalsoconsider getting some experimental work done on the frames.Youwill start gaining confidence when you make a few of theframesyourself. Once you have that confidence in you, you will lovetomake a DIY frame each time you plan on keeping a masterpiece.So what are you waiting? Planning to make a Frame Photo? Acustomframe is so awesome that you would want to make a frame eachandevery time you have something special to frame. You will needsomesupplies and might also need the help of your little helper athome.Discover the amazing craft stuff here! This is the best placetodiscovering!
Wedding Invitation Design 1.0
mary jenkins
Personalised wedding invitations can offeryoua wide number of fantastic benefits. Every bride wants her daytobe special and memorable. The last thing you want is to findthatthe invitations you have chosen are identical to someone elseyouknow who is getting married just before or just after you andtheguest list has many of the same names.Personalised wedding invitations gives you the opportunityofindividuality. You are not sending out the run of the millinvite,but rather something that is unique to your wedding,something thatwill stand out, grab your guests attention andsomething that theycan keep to remember this special day for yearsto come.You get to allow your own personality to shine through. Youwantyour guests to receive your invitation, open the envelopeandimmediately know whose wedding they have been invited tobeforereading it. Allowing your own personality to shine throughwithpersonalised wedding invitations gives you the ability toallowyour own creativity to soar, to be different and unique andreallyset the tone for your special day.Personalised wedding invitations are an opportunity for you tobeunique. As mentioned before, no one wants their invites to bethesame as everyone else's. You have vested so much time andenergyinto planning this perfect day, there is no reason yourinvitesshouldn't reflect this. If you think about it, you may havetakenyour time selecting your engagement and wedding rings toensurethat they were different, so why settle for anything lesswhendesigning your invitations, the first impression your guestswillhave when it comes to your wedding day.So what are you waiting for? Get many wedding invitations tobebright, bold, original, and you want them to really stand out.Youcan print a photo of wedding invitation from this app on thecard.Your guests will know the theme of your event once they seetheinvitations. By using and download this app you can even printyourown pictures on it in order to personalize the cards!
Small Tattoo 1.0
mary jenkins
Have you been thinking of getting a sexy,smalltattoo design inked somewhere on your body? If you have, thenyouare not alone, as many women around the world are choosing tohave asmall tattoo as their very first tattoo design. These cutetattooscan come in a number of different shapes and sizes, and betattooedalmost anywhere on the body. Some popular choices of smalltattoosfor women are ankle tattoos, flower tattoos, heart tattoos,dolphintattoos or Chinese and Japanese symbol tattoos.Most people, when they think about their first tattoo,firststart with a small tattoo design that can be placed inaninconspicuous place on the body. Not everyone wants theirfirstbody art to be noticeable, because it's something new forthem, andthey're not so sure what family, friends or other willpeople say.Thus, a hummingbird tattoo is very popular as the firstbodyart.With small tattoos, you'll need to choose a simpler design. Ifthereis too much detail in the design pattern there is a chancethat theindividual lines will appear as a thicker, unattractiveline. Inkspreads on skin and with small tattoos it is much harderto preventa 'blob' of ink forming. Nearly every tattoo artistneeds to have adesign reference to work to, whether it be a linedrawing or adesign drawn on the skin with pen. This isparticularly importantwith small tattoos as the art work is moredelicate than a largertattoo. If you are having colors in yourtattoo, you need to realizethat over time colors tend to merge andyou could end up having anugly blob if your design is toocluttered.It is also important when choosing a small tattoo to really thinkalittle while to figure out the design you want and like. Donotjust go to the local store, and get some Tattoo Flash, which isontheir wall. If it does not really talk to you, and if you donotfeel that deep connection to it, clearly it is not the smalltattoodesign for you. Within a few years or so, you may not be sohappywith the body art and regret getting it.So, instead of going to the tattoo application to chooseadesign, spend some time and think about some of the designsthatspeak to you. There are hundreds and thousands of smalltattoodesign ideas that can be found online for free. Pleasedownload forbetter experience!
Braid Hairstyle Tutorial 1.0
mary jenkins
A braid (or plait) describes aflat,three-stranded structure that forms a pattern by interlacingone ormore strands of material such as hair, wire or textilefibers. Thebraid is normally long and narrow, with each strandfunctionallyequivalent in zigzagging through the overlapping massof the otherstrands.Braiding has been around for thousands of years and may beusedin a variety of ways. African tribes braided hair as a signofcultural significance, fashion, tribal identity andculturalbeliefs. A variety of braiding patterns in hairstylesindicated aperson's community, age, wealth, marital status, socialposition,religion and power.Keeping your hair braided can provide many benefits. Not only isita convenient hairstyle, but it serves as a protective stylethatwill help your natural hair grow faster. Braids will help lockthemoisture into your hair and prevent excessive split endsmyshielding your hair from heat damage, dryness and overstyling.Many people find that braiding the hair at night is thebesthairstyle to wear while sleeping because it reducesthedamage-causing friction that is produced by rubbing against thebedsheets and pillow fibers.Braiding is traditionally a social art. Because of the time ittakesto braid hair, people take time to socialize while braidingandhaving their hair done. Children watch and learn from theadults,start practicing on younger children or doll heads andeventuallylearn the traditional skill.Does it sound like a magic trick? Now it's time to end up withthefear of braiding your own hair. You just need some patienceandpractice. It is useful to deploy the double mirror trick - soyoucan see every lock of your hair.The regular, single braid is easy even for first timebraiders:First detangle your tress perfectly - it is best to use apaddlebrush. Then designate your hair to three approximatelyequalsections, start to cross the right section over the one inthecenter, then do the same with the left section. Repeat untilyoureach the desired length then tie the end of yourbraidsecurely.So what are you waiting? Discover the tutorial here, ourappprovide many amazing art of Braid hairstyle from ourapplication!Make your own braids! Get many inspiration of braidhairstyle hereand download this application!
Flower Tattoo Design 1.0
mary jenkins
Attractive flower tattoos arelargelyattractive because of the way they fit their location. Oneof thereasons that so many people admire flower tattoos on othersisbecause a well placed flower can emphasize attractive thingsaboutthat part of the body while complementing and adding toyournatural body lines. Therefore, when you are thinking aboutgettinga flower and referring back to other flower tattoos that youhavefound to be particularly attractive, be sure to factor inwherethose flowers were located. For example, climbing vines areelegantwhen wrapped around the wrist or ankle or trailing acrossthe foot.On the other hand, bold daisy tattoos, and sunflowertattoos,both are rounder, more robust and symmetrical flowers. Theytend tolook better on a symmetrical part of the body such as theback ofthe neck or the lower back. These larger flower designscanoverwhelm a delicate location such as the wrist or the ankle,andoften make areas like the calf, which have room for largertattoosand therefore are a prime location for it, appear shorterorabbreviated if the design is too round and bold. If you want togeta flower tattoo on your calf or ankle, getting a spray offlowersis a way to elongate the lines of your leg rather than cutthem inhalf.Finally, flowers are often used to symbolize personal andspiritualgrowth. The Lily flower and rose are often used toindicate deepspiritual and emotional devotion and love. Differentcolors ofroses indicate different things to different people,including thewhite rose for pure love and red rose tattoos for deepphysical andromantic love. The common rose tattoo can be executedin thousandsof ways, so your choices are endless. When it comes tobotanicalsymbolism, the location of your flower can tell you a lotabout theintent and emotion behind it.There can be various design combinations that can be done usingaflower. Sometimes, you may find people getting only the petalsdonein their tattoos, while others may go for the stem parttoo.Flowers can also be combined with other symbols, suchasbutterflies, vines, ladybugs, humming birds, etc. Some designscanbe a part of a natural landscape. You may get your flowertattoodone in a way that it includes either a group of the sameflowersor contains different flowers.Select your favorite flower tattoos design here! our app isthebest way to get flower tattoo inspiration! Flowers are amongthemost popular tattoo designs in the world for a variety ofreasons,and understanding exactly what may be attracting you to theidea ofa flower can help you pick the perfect one for you, and foryourbody. So download our app for better experience!
Tattoos For Women 1.0
mary jenkins
Ask most men whether tattoos on women aresexyor not and you will get a mixture of answers. It is certainlynotas easy as getting a yes or no answer. In reality, you areeitherfor tattoos or you are not. If you are, then whether or nottheyare sexy will depend upon a couple of important factors. First,arethey appropriate for the person involved? And second, aretheypartly hidden and discreet leaving something for theimagination?Research done on this topic indicates that most men aremore likelyto be turned on by an elegant, well placed tattoo ratherthan anendless display of "body" art where it is hard to see anyuntouchedskin at all. A perfect example of this is seeing someoneas elegantas Angelina Jolie and the tasteful and sexy way she hasgone aboutthe process of being tattooed.Tattoo designs for women should be expressive andsignificantenough to highlight the natural's subtlety and beauty ofthefemale's body. After all, women resort to tattoos to define apartof their personality and exude their charm andsexuality.Therefore, careful planning and forethought should beexerted whenplanning what tattoo designs to go for.Whatever that image a woman go for, it will be forever adefinitionof a part of her personality. If she wants to express itright, sheshould get something that has significance and personalmeaning toher.When it comes to locations of tattoos, there are also topfavoritesamong women depending on their design of choice. For smallandsimple tat, the foot, ankle and wrist are favorite locations.Forintricate and detailed tattoo designs, the rib cage, back,shoulderblade and lower stomach are the choice tattoo locationsforwomenSo if you are a woman and you are looking for a hot tattoolistenup! Just click on our app and find many ideas of tattooideas forwomen! Be more sexy with tattoo and don’t forget todownload ourapp!
News paper Craft Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
A popular addition to scrapbook pagesisnewspaper clippings. Newspaper clippings of birthannouncements,team photographs, or favorite celebrities add apersonal touch toscrapbook pages.Newspaper contains about 4% lignin. Therefore, yellowingandbrittleness of the newspaper paper will eventually occur.However,since the percentage of lignin is low, newspaper willpreserve formany years before this deterioration process begins tooccur. Tofurther slow this process, use Mylar or page protectors toprotectthe newspaper from the outside elements.To save these creations, without the macaroni and glittermess,simply scan and print your child's creations for use in yournextscrapbook.Have a stack of newspapers that you want to recycleandrepurpose?A lot of newspapers are exclusively online now (which is waybetterfor the environment), but we know quite a bit of people whostillreceive newspapers. You can of course recycle newspapers inyourrecycling bin, but every now and then, there are DIY projectsusingnewspaper that catch my eye! I love the black and white text,thecolorful comic section, and the grey, vintage-looking.One of the easiest craft supplies to be found is the newspaper,andwe all know that it's good to recycle. This is all aboutcraftsusing newspaper.Getting ready for crafting? So what are you waiting?Craftingwith newspaper is the perfect way to recycle something intoperfectideas! Make a lot of ideas from newspaper is really help youtoreduce global warming!
Flower Craft Tutorial 1.0
mary jenkins
Arts and crafts can be creative expressionsandoutlets where you can practice your creativity and create artthatcan be used for practical purposes or as decorations. Thereare manydifferent types of crafts and one that is gainingpopularity isflower crafts. Especially if you have a garden or caneasily obtainflowers, flower crafts are easy, fun, and can be madeinto differentusable or decorative items. Here are some flowercrafts that you cando that are fun and easy and takes only alittle of your time.If you want to work with real flowers, flower pots,flowerbaskets, and pressed flower candles are some of the craftsyou canmake. To make flower pots, you can add the pressed freshflowersonto the clay while molding them. The pot can have itsnaturalcolor, or you can paint it in a contrasting color so thecolor ofthe flower can stand out. Flower baskets are lovely itemsthat youcan create especially for special events. Place freshflowers andloose petals in a basket decorated with ribbons and laceand youcan decorate the handles as well with ribbons.For silk or artificial flowers, you can create floralwreaths,centerpieces, holiday decorations such as a valentinebouquet offlowers and candies or Christmas décor. Floral wreathscan be usedas decoration in your living room when placed aroundcandles, ontop of the fireplace, or in the center table. Bind theflowerstogether and place accents of ribbons or bows depending onyourstyle as well. Create dining room centerpieces using silkflowers,whether by placing them on vases or creating small bundles.Holidaydecorations are also best with silk flowers because you canstorethem indefinitely and just pull them out when the seasonarrivesagain.Creating crafts with flowers is inexpensive and it can serveasquality bonding time with family and friends as well. Most ofthesecrafts only require craft glue, scissors, glitter, andartificialleaves. You can use an old basket and bring it back tolife bydecorating it with flowers. Old flower pots can also bedecoratedso you can use them beautifully on the living room onceagain.During fall and spring, flower crafts can bring you and yourfamilyor friends closer. This then becomes more memorable notjustbecause of your output, but most importantly, for the laughterandbonding time shared together.So what are you waiting? Find many idea of flower craft andyoucan create other crafts depending on the type of flower youareworking with. With this app you can create different craftsthatwill truly showcase not just the beauty of the flower butyourcreativity as well. By discover thousand ideas of flowercrafttutorial don’t waste your time to download!
Porch Design Ideas 1.0
mary jenkins
The best screened porch designs incorporatethefollowing five design elements into the overall structure.Mostpeople; however, often fail to realize how important eachelementimpacts the overall comfort and enjoyment of their screenedporch.Before you start planning your screen porch addition, be suretounderstand how each of these will affect your overall design.Doingso will ensure years of enjoyment.Your goal should be to build the largest porch you canaffordbased on how you will use it through the years. If yourchildrenare small consider how much space will be needed as theygrow. Ifthey are about to leave home a smaller porch might beideal.If you have noisy neighbors or unsightly outbuildings, locateyourscreen porch to avoid them as much as possible. What annoys younowwill surely annoy you more when you are trying to enjoytheoutdoors. If entertaining is your goal perhaps access throughafamily room would be ideal. Include a pass-through (oradditionalaccess) to the kitchen so drinks and snacks can beacquiredeasily.The extra time you take to properly design your screenedporchinvestment will pay big dividends later in years of enjoymentandadded value to your home. Carefully consider all aspectsofscreened porch designs before you build or talk to acontractor.Contractors specializing in enclosed porches can alsohelp youdetermine the best value for your dollar. Take the time toexploreall of your options - then build knowing you will have thebest ofscreened porch designs. Nothing beats the look of porchcolumns ona house whether you have them standing alone or builtinto thedesign of the porch. With the wide array of styles, you canchoosefrom different columns rather than stick to the common andbasicdesign.Are you considering adding a screened porch to your homeorscreening the porch that is already on your home, but are notsureif this is a good idea or not? Then you need to know themanybenefits to having porch enclosures.Now that you know the benefits of having a screened porch, youcansee why they are popular with so many different people. You cannowalso make a smart decision for your own home on whether toaddporch enclosures or not.So what are you waiting? Choose the design of Porch Designhere,Having an enclosed porch definitely provides you withmanyenjoyable benefits! Our app is the best place to find manyideas ofporch around the world!
DIY Fashion Design Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
DIY fashion projects are so much fun!Createinteresting T-shirt of your old blouse, make a lot of fancyjewelryusing different kinds of beads in different colors, and muchmoreinteresting ideas you can see in the following images.Today, fashion for girls has become a very important part oftheirlives. Whether they are in need of a new dress or not, theywillsurely be tempted to buy those newly designed dresses whicharedisplayed in the local shopping malls. It is true thatfashionhelps improve one's overall beauty and personality, butthere arecertain things that you need to be aware of when decidingwhichfashion to go with. There are certain basic rules which needto befollowed so that you can improve your physical beauty andnotdamage it.Being fashionable is not about paying through your nose always.Youcan rack your brains and come up with some DIY ideas that willmakeyou look like a fashionista. Style and fashion go hand in handanddeveloping your own sense will also give you a discernibleedgewhen it comes to fashion. Why do you really want to imitatethestars or sports person of repute?What you need to do first is to take stock of your wardrobe andtakeout all those old garments that have been pushed into thedeep, darkrecesses. So, they don’t work for you anymore? Try togive them anew lease of life by embellishing them as best as youcan. No, youdon’t have to go overboard in trying to get thedecorations either.DIY fashion is not for the rich and famous.Instead, you can gathera few affordable items like lace, beads,and bits of brightlycolored cloth. Put them in an interesting wayand be rewarded withthe very latest fashionable garmentDon’t worry about having to slog it day in and day out in ordertobecome fashionable. The only thing that you need in ample amountisimagination. Let it soar and you will find yourself easilybecomethe best-dressed person in the town. A couple of sturdyneedles, apair of sharp scissors and colored thread is all you needtotransform your plain attire into a unique one. Here are someDIYideas that will help you to get started.Be fashionable with cool DIY ideas from this app! Find manydesignsof DIY Fashion ideas around the world. We all have many oldandunused items lying around in our homes waiting to be thrownaway.Here are some ideas to show that a lot of useless items canbetransformed into wonderful creations!
Cocktail Dresses Design Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Understanding cultural diversity andrespectingit is an important thing in the contemporary world.Cocktail partiesand prom nights have made it easier for thestudents to befriendpeople from different countries. Cocktailparties are not only aboutmeeting new people they are also aboutexquisite dresses and blazingmusic. Here is a list of cool dressesgirls can consider for theupcoming cocktail party:• Cheap sequin cocktail dresses: College parties are greatplacesfor finding your soul mate. Dress to the best of yourcapabilityand impress a lot of people at the party. These costumesare goingto make you look better than everyone else. Take yourchances andmake this cocktail party memorable.• A shade of black: You are always going to look prettier in ablackdress. Keep black apparels as the last option. If you fail tofindthe perfect costume for the party then wear your lovely blackdressto the party and make everyone fall in love with you.• Peach Color: Peach color costumes are very popular amongcollegegoing girls. Exquisite accessories are going to increasethebenevolence of these light colored costumes. Girls can weartheseto parties or to wedding events.• Short skirts: Nothing beats short skirts when it comes tostyle.Girls can buy these from varied online stores at affordableprices.Short skirts are also available in the market atheavydiscounts.• White costumes: White costumes are never going to go outoffashion. Every year fashion changes, but white and blackcoloredcostumes are always in demand. People prefer these costumesbecauseit is easier to maintain them.Sequin cocktail dresses are turning out to be the first choiceofgirls from around the world. Dress to the best of yourcapabilityand make everyone fall in love with you. Today, cocktaildressescome in an array of beautiful materials, with silk, satin,andchiffon these being the most popular choice.So what are you waiting? Choose you cocktail dress for party inourapp! This app gives you many advantages and amazing stylewithincocktail dress for party! Start download and go browse allofcollection here and enjoy!
Wedding Decoration Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Weddings aren't exactly as pleasant as itseemsand especially when you have to plan and pay for it.Preparing for awedding can be pretty stressful especially if youget confounded byvarious choices like when you have to select aflower or a theme ora flower arrangement. Things can get out ofhand pretty quick whichis why you need to find someone who picksand handles all the themesand decorations and executes them well.However, you need to choosea few things for a marriage decorationand listed below are few thatyou need to decide upon.Pick a themePlanning a wedding involves a theme. Now this is directlydependenton the time and place you select to tie the knot. Now, youmightplan for an outdoor wedding theme which is very different fromanindoor wedding and even require pleasant weather conditions.Also,the theme wedding decorations will differ according to thethemeyou select. Like if you choose a beach wedding, it willdiffergreatly from a royal or palace wedding.Choose your decorationsDecoration is something you need to be very careful about. Youdonot want your wedding decorations to be tacky or gaudy ones.Youwant chic and sophisticated. However, this also depends onthelocation and setting as well. Like for outdoor weddings youwouldwant suitable outdoor wedding decoration that would go alongwiththe theme, like flower arrangements, etc. you can choose theproperflowers either from going through the flower decorationpictures oryou can share your ideas with your decorators.One of the most common things that every bride does that tendstomake the whole process stressful is overthinking it.Overthinkingas a bride is something you should always abstain fromas itdeteriorates the whole situation. You can always leafthroughmagazines or ask your decorator for Indian weddingdecorationthemes as they are bound to have some suggestions thatwould matchwith your wedding plans.Wedding decorations are particularly a gala affair. Fromwell-knownpoliticians, artists to actors etc. prefer to hold theweddingceremonies in big cities that have interesting venues.Researchingwedding decoration ideas can be quite helpful.Decoration is one ofthe most important and stressful part of awedding decoration.Doing your research well and ahead of time canhelp you avoidlittle problems.So, what are you waiting for? Now open this application, andfindout many stunning decoration. Just download this applicationofwedding decoration and find many joyful things. You can saveallthe pictures into your card and make it as your phonewallpaper.Moreover, you can share all the pictures to your friendsthat havethe same purpose as you. With a little creativity andsomedo-it-yourself know-how, you can create a romantic atmosphereforyour big day.
Wedding Jewelry 1.0
mary jenkins
Jewelry plays an important role inincreasingthe beauty, style and confidence of bride. However notevery bridecan select suitable jewelry for herself. A perfectlydesignedjewelry increases the shining of wedding gown and shoes. Abridecan feel nervous if she has not worn suitable jewelry. Yourringwon't be the only piece of jewelry you'll wear on your weddingday.There is other wedding jewelry to consider, such as earrings.It'simportant that you plan ahead so that you aren't stuck tryingtofind a few matching pieces at the last moment. You won't wanttowait until your wedding day to try the jewelry on, only torealizethat it doesn't look right with your dress.If you've already seen your wedding ring, ask the retailer iftheycan recommend any matching pieces for it. If nothing else, trytoget an idea of what kind of earrings, bracelets, and necklacestolook for.Here are a few tips for choosing the right wedding jewelry:1. Not only should the jewelry match the wedding ring, itshouldalso match your dress and overall style. If you want atraditionalwedding, then go with a pair of vintage earrings. Also,nothingsays tradition like a pearl necklace. The idea is to look -and be- glamorous. If you plan on wearing a modern wedding dress,youmight want to go with a choker embellished in diamondsandhuggie-style earrings.2. Speaking of earrings, bigger is better. Stud earringsreallyaren't the right choice for weddings since they willbeovershadowed by your hair. You don't want them to get overlookedbyyour gorgeous hairstyle. On the other hand, you don't want themtoovershadow your hair, either. There should be a goodbalance.3. How do you know what kind of earrings to wear to go withyourhair? Chunkier styles look better with upswept hair, whereassmallbejeweled hoops tend to look great with a tiara ordecorativeveil.4. You don't want to over-accessorize OR under-accessorize. Ifyourdress has a lot of heavy embroidery or lace, tone down thejewelrya tiny bit. Heavy jewelry and heavy embroidery will be toomuchwhen used together. If your dress is simple and light, you cangetaway with wearing fancier jewelry pieces.5. The type of necklace you should wear depends on the cut ofyourdress. If you're wearing a strapless bodice, opt for arhinestoneor pearl choker. If your gown has a V cut, go with adiamondsolitaire or a sweetheart necklace.6. Harmonize your wedding jewelry with your headpiece and dressasbest you can. As a general rule of thumb, pearls tend tocomplementbeading, and diamonds go well with crystals orsequins.So what are you waiting? You can look for various tips tobridaljewelry and also the ideas too, wedding jewelrycollections.Perfect idea for the most unforgettable moment is thisamazingapplication! Because our app give you the easiest way tofind thisadorable ideas!Download and enjoy!
Colorful Wedding Dress 1.0
mary jenkins
One of the most luxe looks is a silksatinbridal gown in a soft hue like pale pink or light blue. Theshimmerof the satin paired with the gentle color makes for anabsolutelygorgeous glowing effect. The interesting part is that aweddingdress which is made entirely of a subtle color will actuallybeless dramatically colorful than one which combines white orivorywith another shade. It is all a matter of the bride'spreferenceand how traditional her family is. For a summertimewedding, apink, peach, or deep champagne colored tulle is alovelyalternative to white. Choose the color which best complementsyourskin tone to give you that radiant bridal glow.When wearing a wedding dress with color, a little creativityisuseful in planning the accessories. For an all-red gown,selectaccents which are equally striking, such as eggplant purpleflowersand black feathers for the bridal bouquet. Custom redSwarovskicrystal bridal jewelry is a natural finishing touch for abold reddress. Be careful when pairing red flowers with a redweddingdress; if there is no contrast, the flowers will blend intothegown.For the lighter colored bridal gowns, accessories areequallyimportant. If you have selected a ballet pink wedding dress,forinstance, custom bridal jewelry which combines white pearlswithrose colored crystals would be lovely. Get some contrast inthebouquet, by selecting flowers in a deeper shade of pink, oracombination of pink with a pop of color like green orpurple.Matching blue flowers to a blue wedding dress would franklybeoverkill, so stick with classic white or ivory blossoms, whicharegorgeous against blue silk. If you prefer a more casualeffect,light yellow flowers would be lovely with a blueweddingdress.Keep in mind when selecting a colorful wedding gown that you needtohave a plan for the bridesmaid dresses. Pull in some flowers forthebridesmaids' bouquets which complement the color of yourweddinggown to bring the whole look together. It will be beautifulin thewedding pictures.Colored wedding dresses have made an impact in recent timeswiththese celebrities ambling down the aisle gracefully clad ingreen,pink and even black. White wedding dresses are stillconsidered asa staple in bridal outfits, but colored wedding gownsare thenewest thing to hit the town! With creative designs andcuts, thecolored wedding dress is all that you will need to makethe eventas unique as you would want it to be.So what are you waiting for? Find the uniqueness on your specialdayin this application of colorful wedding dress. It's official:coloris one of the hottest trends for bridal gowns! Whether yourstyle isa hint of pink or an all red extravaganza, check out thesewonderfulideas for wearing a colorful wedding dress!Download and enjoy your day!
Jewelry Craft Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Jewelry is very prevalent, but jewelrythatdirectly compliments your personal style or makes yourstatementfor you perfectly is not prevalent. Find out some waysthis is sowith chainmaille jewelry. Discover a craft that ends upas a finebracelet you will treasure for a long time to come.There simply is not another kind of handmade jewelry thatyieldssuch great results. There is no complicated soldering orequipmentnecessary. You do not need a jeweler's shop to make thiskind ofjewelry. You need only pliers, jump rings, and goodinstructions.This jewelry will last a lifetime and take only a fewhours tomake.Your day is filled with unpredictability and many timesstress.There is so much multi-tasking these days. When you makeyour ownjewelry you essentially are putting links together. Youstart witha few links and a pattern. You watch it grow and see yourprogressimmediately. Seeing the repeating pattern get longer isgreattherapy. Since there is a little predictability here youaresoothed and relaxed. Your simple jewelry project just made youfeelbetter about your day. You can cherish the thought that, "Icanwear this great thing I made."Making your own jewelry is much like play for a kid. The risksaresmall, nothing is expected, no boss will critique you, nopressureto make a deadline, you are set. These are "hot house"conditionsfor creative jewelry making. Experiment, try this newcraft, makingyour own jewelry. What is there to loose?Tired of mass produced jewelry? Jewelry is the mostpersonalstatement you make in what you wear. It has to fit you,physically,but more so it has to speak about something you careabout orsomething that makes sense to you. If you make your ownjewelry,which is a perfect quality jewelry, you can have it justthe wayyou want it. Check out our free resource of ideas andprojects tounlock your creativity with craft projects to try.So what are you waiting? When you make your own jewelry you canfindmany ideas of jewelry craft here! You do this part yourself.Butsince you make jewelry for your friends, to sell or foryourself itis fun and does not feel laborious. So download ouramazing app!Enjoy!
Gift Craft Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Creative handmade craft ideas includesomeinteresting techniques for friends and family. If you have aflairfor handmade craft ideas, and know your way around it, thenthis isthe right place for you. The handmade crafts are designedfor thosewho have an inborn tendency to collects tiny bits ofmaterial thatcan be used in handmade craft ideas.There are many handmade craft ideas that comfort for the elderlyasthe handcraft gifts have the power to cater to thepsychologicalneeds of the old who are often left unattended at themercy of theharsh realities of life. This can also form aninspiration for manynew handcrafted gift ideas that form aninspiration for those wholove to make things that make a differencein the life's of theothers. It is also the basis of education thatteaches fundamentalskills and it can also be considered as a callto generosity forthose who have time and heart to share the gift ofhandmade craftwith others.There are many handmade craft gift ideas that can formChristmascards and gift cards. There are many other gifts that youcan makeand personalize for the elderly. You can choose from avariety ofpatterns of lap blankets that can be used to keep thoseaching legswarm during the winter. Then there are shoulder warmersfor a walkin the winter wind that will keep your grandparents warmandsecure. There are reading scarves and walker pockets that canbemade for the elderly. It is not just the gift, butthethoughtfulness that counts and makes the gift morespecial.If you are planning to make Christmas gift cards withgullingdesigns you have a wide variety of choice. You can use thegullingdesign to make Christmas wreath patterns on the cards andyou canalso use the same to write short messages or names on thecards.Handcraft gift ideas are very much in demand as they make thegiftspecial by adding personalized touch to the gift. If you wanttoannounce the arrival of your baby in a personalized way, youcanfind in our app of handmade gift ideas that areeasilyavailable.So what are you waiting? If you've got a bit of creativeflair,there are a number of great ways to personalise the gifts yougiveand show someone you care - consider these creative craft ideasinour app! Please download this app and start to crafting!
Pet House Design Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
Perhaps your cat or dog is accustomedtosleeping on the floor. That seems like the thing to do...untilyouconsider the benefits of a modern pet house! We're nottalkingabout a dog house or a cat scratching post. Modern designstodayoffer some very convenient features. So let's discuss themodernpet house and what advantages it offers to your pet.For one thing, they bring your pet great comfort. Just as humansareanimals and need our own places for shelter, relaxation andloungingaround, so too do our precious critters. Dogs will sleepon thefloor if you make them, but they would much rather haveacomfortable bed to call their own! Kitties also need a comfyplace,and would prefer not to sleep under the couch. Then again,meowingand barking doesn't get much done in the way ofnegotiations.You have to think for your pets, and realize that a modern pethouseis advantageous. Pets like cave structures, so think ofinteriorhouses in terms of caves. This is what they are drawn toand whatthey feel safe inside of. Cats and dogs alike may showfewer signsof stress when they have a home to relax in, and getaway from thenoise of a full living room. Modern structures alsooffer protectionfor your animals.Of course, the benefits also pass on to you, and mostly in thewayof home cleanliness. It's not fashionable to simply stuff yourcatunder the couch, or put your dog in an ugly little pile ofclothes.The best modern pet furniture is very high class, andveryartistically designed to complement the interiors ofyourhouse.If you have a dog in your house then you really want to take careofits need and if you do not then you should realize that yourdogreally wants some attention. A dog is like your family memberandit deserves all the things which can be used for fulfillingitsdesires. One of the basic desires of your dog is the shelter.Youcannot only make the dog house outside the house if your dog isanoutdoor one, but if you have the indoor dog then you can havetheindoor dog house for your best pal.These modern pet homes make great gifts for family membersandfriends who love their little critters! Don't just give a petahome give him a fashion-friendly and comfy home! Formoreinformation, look up dog house for pet in this app and applytheideas to your pet house!Download and share our app for better experience!
Flower Garden Design 1.0
mary jenkins
A garden develops only when it isnurturedproperly. If gardening is your passion, then you must bewell awareof the immense hard work and patience that are requiredtocultivate a garden of your choice. Have you ever wanted awildflower garden? A wild flower garden is not just a garden thathasgone wild, in fact it is quite the opposite. A garden thathasbecome wild normally looks a bit of a muddle, whereas a wildflowerhas to have a closely controlled environment.Garden flowers have been hardened, so to speak. They havebeencultivated and crossed so that they can put up with not beingtakencare of all that well by the average gardener who does notknowmuch about gardening, although there are some very delicategardenplants too. However, wild flowers have never had thistreatment,they grow only where the circumstances are right or theydo notgrow at all. It is practically impossible to grow wildflowerswhere they would not naturally grow.This is why many people's attempts at creating a wild flowergardenflop so miserably - they have expected the wild flowers to'justgrow wild' without having made the correct environment.Therefore,if you want to create such a flower garden, you willfirst have todetermine what kind of flowers you want to grow.Do you want meadow flowers, woodland flowers, hedgerowflowers,marsh or riverside flowers? You can amalgamate some ofthesestyles, of course. You could merge meadow and hedgerowvarieties,if you put a hedge border around your garden.Whether you're planning to have a small personal flower garden,oryou want to have one that's big enough to accommodate yourguestsin the future, consider the tips mentioned above to help yougetstarted.So what are you waiting for? Make your own flower garden withtheideas from our app. Our app is best way to make your dreamflowergarden come true! So don’t waste your time. Please downloadandfind all outstanding ideas of flower garden. Grow your flowerplantand enjoy! So what going on?
Aquarium Tank Decoration 1.0
mary jenkins
Aquarium tank decorations are notonlybeautiful to look at they also have an important purpose.Theyprovide fishes with homes---- hiding places and naturalbordersresembling their natural habitat. There are a lot ofcreativethings people do with materials they but or get around thehouse tocreate their own version of an awesome fish tank theme.Over thepast decade or so, I have seen so many different thingsbeing putinto an aquarium, creating designs that have inspired myownconcepts. And if what you want is a theme that stand out, thatnoone on the face of the planet has, you can also do so.Create an environment mix in your aquarium decor formaximumflexibility in the types of fish species you may decide tokeep.That means setup your rocks, plants, sand, or gravel, so thatthereare caves, nooks, and tunnels, that fish can explore, inhabit,andseek refuge in when feeling threatened, while still leaving lotsoffree swimming space for those fish that prefer wideopenspaces.Position the rocks, aquarium plants, etc., away from the sidesofthe fish tank so that you can clean off any algae that maygrowthere, without interference from rocks, plants, ordecorations.Leave sufficient space between fish tank plants, andaquariumornaments to permit vacuuming up any debris that willaccumulate onthe bottom.Be sure to use only decorations, rocks, and plants,specificallymade for fish aquariums as they are made of specificmaterials freefrom toxins that harm fish and corals. Using auniquely shapedrock, or branch out of your garden, or roadside,desert, forest, orcamping area, or the Ocean, or a nearby Lake, mayintroducechemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides, gasoline,oil,detergents, or parasites, and fungus, that will wreck havoc inyouraquarium, and could kill most fish species, after spending lotsoftime and money trying to find, and eliminate, the cause.You should consider the habitats of the types of pet fishspeciesthat you will be keeping in your fish tank before beginningtheaquarium design. These suggestions apply for saltwater fishtanksor freshwater fish tanks alike.So what are you waiting? Decorations have both practicalandaesthetical use if done tastefully and carefully you can createaminiature aquatic ecosystem that both you and your fish canenjoy.Find many ideas of aquarium tank decoration in our app! Thisapp isthe best way to make your aquarium tank more wonderful!Just by download, get all collection in your hand!
Home Decking Design 1.0
mary jenkins
A deck is the "must have" home additionthissummer. It can enhance the look of your house by severalnotchesand give you additional space to entertain friends or relaxwithyour loved ones. Decks are great for BBQs, a romanticcandlelightdinner, or just gazing at the stars with your betterhalf.There are a variety of ways to design a deck or patio spacethatwill allow you to enjoy more time with friends and family.Thisplanning stage of your deck will be one of the most importanttimesto take different factors into consideration. We'll cover someofthese topics in this article. Decking designs thatincorporatethese elements will give you a more balanced deck.The first place to start is with a discussion about thedeckingmaterials, size and the railing or lighting options. Decksarecommonly made of wood. Cedar is a commonly used material. It isasoft wood that makes a great deck because of its naturalweatheringproperties. It is resistant to rot and weathers to abeautifulsilvery-gray color.You might also like the idea of little to no maintenance that canbeprovided by a composite decking material. Trex decking is justonesuch name to keep in mind. This brand brought some of theoriginalcomposite materials to market and is a leader ininnovation of thesepaper and resin products.The size of your deck is another thing to keep in proportion.Likewith other aspects of your home, the deck should be keptinproportion to the other rooms in your home. One idea that hasbeensuggested is to keep the largest space of your deck no largerthanthe largest room inside your home. For a deck that will be usedforentertaining or that will have a patio set, a minimum sizeof12'x12' is adequate to give you some room to move about.So what are you waiting? Choose the great decking design in ourapp!The best picture directory ever! You can 'frame' your deckwith theright type of railings and find the ideas in our app. Deckrailingsinclude metal and wood choices. These and other railingscan supportthe use of deck lighting like rope lights, post caplights or stringlights. Including these properties in your outdoorliving area willbe a product of great decking designs.
Wedding Bouquet Idea 1.0
mary jenkins
If you are all set to walk down the aisle,youshould give special attention to select the perfect flowersforyour wedding bouquet and arrangement. Before you decideyourwedding flowers, have a look on the meaning of certainpopularwedding blooms to be sure your bouquet symbolizes truelove,loyalty and passion.With a brief knowledge about popular wedding flowers, letsdiscusshow to use them to make a perfect wedding gala foryou.• For a fairytale type wedding, stick to conventional roses anduselots of them. Use pink, white, red roses in plenty for aperfectwedding venue decoration.• While calla lilies are perfect for sophisticated weddingevents,daisies are good for casual affairs. You can combine daisieswithbaby's breath and tie them with colourful ribbons to upliftthemood of your wedding venue.• Nothing can be best than tulip for as garden wedding. Combinesoftpastel coloured tulips with white linen feathery greenery foraromantic wedding event.But before selecting flowers, decide what type of wedding eventyouwant to have, a sophisticated or casual one. As the flowershavedifferent meaning and play important role to set the perfectmoodfor your wedding, you must seek help from an experiencedandefficient florist. The flower delivery services and floristsensurehigh end service, quality work keeping in mind yourbudget.Unsure which flower should be apt for which event,contactNarcissus, they not just have all types of flowers but willalsoguide you properly to choose the best flower. Impress yourdearones with most appropriate flower selection.There's nothing more memorable and romantic than havingsomethingthat will remind you and your guests that the event istruly acelebration of relationships. For instance, a couple who'sworkingin the film industry had stylized popcorn boxes to holdtheir tablecenterpieces. If you'd like to have "something old" withyou, youcan have a wedding bouquet of flowers that you love andyour mom'santique handkerchief.Looking for wedding flower? Check out our selection ideasofarrangements and varieties that are perfect for your big day.Ourapp is the best way to get many ideas of wedding bouquetflowers!You should also find ways to make the arrangementspersonalized!Download and enjoy our app!
BookShelf Furniture Design 1.0
mary jenkins
A well-furnished living area isincompletewithout a bookshelf. It is a versatile piece of furniturethatprovides you enough space to store your books in an organizedway.You can arrange your great collection of books in itsrackaccording to your preferences and likes. When you have allyourfavorite editions in one place, you can quickly find the onethatyou want to read.Bookshelves form a very important part of your home orofficefurniture. There are several bookshelves available, and youshouldkeep some aspects in mind before you decide to buy aparticulardesign or a brand. Here are just some of theseaspects:Firstly, you should decide whether you wish to keep thebooksvertically or horizontally. Some bookshelves allow the booksto beplaced horizontally, while others allow them to be keptvertically,while yet others come with changeable shelves, so thatyou candecide how to keep them.Secondly, you need to decide whether you wish to opt for aglassdoor bookshelf or a wooden door entry. The advantage of aglassdoor bookshelf is that you do not need to open the doorrepeatedlyjust to look for a book, and the disadvantage is thatglassimmediately becomes more fragile when compares towoodendoors.There are many ways to find out the right kind of bookshelf foryourhouse or room. There are several furniture makers that providetheright kind of furniture. And all you need to do is to look inyourlocal area for a furniture manufacturer. If you do not getone, youcan always browse online for furniture manufacturers inourapplication.So what are you waiting? We offer the best quality ofwoodenfurniture of bookshelf in this lovable application! Visit ourapptoday and download to find out everything about the typeoffurniture! Make your dream bookshelf come true!Enjoy!